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Introducing AI Answers

Uncover actionable B2B marketing insights, with zero configuration, no onboarding time, and no complex queries.

"How much revenue did we drive in SaaStr?"

Measure the effectiveness of your ad campaigns, events, and any other activity in seconds.

"What whitepapers influence pipeline?"

Know the true impact of any web page and content asset in your own language.

"What was the journey of our last closed won?"

Instantly understand the story behind every buyer’s journey. On both the contact and account levels.

Every day I can see where we are against our KPIs, and which channels, business segments, campaigns, and content pieces drive the most impact.

Philippe Ruttens
CMO at Tyk

Crush every marketing goal. Learn how:

Marketing data you can trust.

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Instantly get insights and track marketing effectiveness with unprecedented ease.

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Easily transition from top-level reporting to actionable insights by asking follow-up questions.